I have the following in place
This worked for me yesterday, but today I get the following message when I click my cmd button
and when I click yes [COLOR=red yellow]olMailItem[/color] is the section highlighted.
Help !!!!!
<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>
Private Sub cmdEMail_Click()
Dim email As String
Dim ref As String
Dim sender As String
Dim System As String
Dim header As String
Dim body As String
Dim expectdate As String
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim objEMail As Outlook.MailItem
email = Me!Requestor
ref = Me!txtTicketNum
sender = Me!Combo14
System = Me!System
header = "User Access Authorised Addition/Amendment"
body = Me!txtComments
expectdate = Me!cboExpectDate
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("outlook.application")
Set objEMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objEMail
.To = email
.Subject = System & " " & header & " " & "Ticket Number" & " " & ref
.body = body & " " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Expected Completion Date is" & " " & expectdate
End With
End Sub
This worked for me yesterday, but today I get the following message when I click my cmd button
Compile Error - Can't find project or library
Help !!!!!
<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>