I'm designing a page showing a client invoice. Ideally I'd like to be able to provide the users with an 'email' button, or something similar, that would email this page to a supplied address (either as an attachment, which I'd prefer, or as the email body)
I'm guessing this'd involve forms and MIME types but as I'm a relative newbie I'm finding it hard to get my head around this.
Any help or suggestions very greatly received.
I'm designing a page showing a client invoice. Ideally I'd like to be able to provide the users with an 'email' button, or something similar, that would email this page to a supplied address (either as an attachment, which I'd prefer, or as the email body)
I'm guessing this'd involve forms and MIME types but as I'm a relative newbie I'm finding it hard to get my head around this.
Any help or suggestions very greatly received.