I'm trying to automate the emailing of an Impromptu report saved in Excel format. Everything is working fine except for when I run the macro it states the following...
A program is trying to automatically send email on your behalf. Do you want to allow this?
If this is unexpected, it may be a virus and you should choose 'NO'.
I what to schedule this macro to run automatically. I do not want to have to be around to choose 'YES'.
The email is being sent through MS Outlook. Is there a way to bypass this annoying little validation check?
Mark Stewart
Senior Analyst
Consultants Club Corp.
Windsor, Ontario
I'm trying to automate the emailing of an Impromptu report saved in Excel format. Everything is working fine except for when I run the macro it states the following...
A program is trying to automatically send email on your behalf. Do you want to allow this?
If this is unexpected, it may be a virus and you should choose 'NO'.
I what to schedule this macro to run automatically. I do not want to have to be around to choose 'YES'.
The email is being sent through MS Outlook. Is there a way to bypass this annoying little validation check?
Mark Stewart
Senior Analyst
Consultants Club Corp.
Windsor, Ontario