If you have trouble let me know, I implemented his 2nd solution in a database for testing purposes and do remember having some trouble with it myself. I can email you the db if needed.
Joe Miller
That would be great...still getting all kinds of errors...the funny thing is if i create a hyperrlink then click on it...it works great...but then i cant make it fill in the subject etc...I would appreciate it if you could send me the db....
I have this exact problem and would appreciate being included in the routing of the two methods from Sera and Joe. I've retrieved the FAQ's. Thanks for any assistance on this.
The sample Joe sent me works great!.. I added some code to the form based on what i'm doing. The only problem is that I cannot get the CC or BCC function to work in Lotus Notes...It is a Lotus Notes problem for sure. Joes example works 100% fine with outlook.
If you would give me your e-mail address or e-mail me at the address above I will send you the code that I have. I haven't done this in a while. I will be able to send it to you Friday night.
Do you still have the code for this application? I am starting a project that will require Access report e-mailing using Lotus Notes. I would really appreciate any help !
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