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Email not sending

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Mar 21, 2002
I'm not very good with ASP.NET I normally code in perl on unix so here goes...

I'm trying to get a form to be processed by a ASP.NET script and it email the forms fields to me.

I've got the script working on a windows server at work but can't get it working on a names.co.uk server.

This is the asp.net code I have:

<%@ Page Language="C#" EnableSessionState="False" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Mail" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "
<script runat="server">
/* Configuration Variables */
// Allow posting in cases where the Referer: header has been stripped.
bool AllowEmptyReferer = false;

// Allowed e-mail addresses for formmail.aspx to send e-mail to. The elements of this
// array can be either simple e-mail addresses ("you@your.domain") or domain
// name ("your.domain"). If its a domain name, then *any* address at the domain
// will be allowed.
string[] AllowMailTo = { "my@email.co.uk" };

// If true, then a blank line is printed after each form value in the e-mail.
bool DoubleSpacing = true;

// Max recipients; maximum number of recipients that a form should be allowed to e-mail
// messages to.
int MaxRecipients = 1;

// No Content - indicates that rather than returning the HTML confirmation page or
// doing a redirect the script will output a header that indicates that no content should
// be returned and that the submitted form should not be replaced. This should be used
// carefully as an unwitting visitor may click the submit button several times thinking
// that nothing has happened.
bool NoContent = false;

// A hash for predefining a list of recipients in the script, and then choosing
// between them using the recipient form field, while keeping all the e-mail
// addresses out of the HTML so that they don't get harvested.
// The key is the alias, the value is the e-mail address.
// The recipients in RecipientAliases are automatically added to the allowed
// recipients list, so there's no need to list them all in AllowMailTo as well.
Hashtable RecipientAliases = new Hashtable();

// Referer: hosts allowed to relay through this script;
// unlike formmail.pl, the option to allow any is *not* possible.
string[] Referers = { " };

// The envelope sender address to use for all e-mails sent by the
// script. This address will receive bounce messages if any of the
// e-mails cannot be delivered.
string Sender = "sender@email.com";

// SMTP relay
string SmtpRelay =

// Wrap text at around 72 columns.
bool WrapText = true;

// Handle the posted form data when the page loads and convert it to an e-mail to send.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Check the request method of this page is "POST", as if we aren't receiving form data, we can't
// do a damn thing.
if (Request.HttpMethod != "POST")
this.SetError("Configuration Error: Did not arrive at this page through a POST.");

if (!this.CheckReferer())
this.SetError(String.Format("Usage Error: Referer {0} is not permitted.", this.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()));

// Parse out the form fields.
Hashtable metaFields;
Hashtable contentFields;

this.ParseForm(this.Request.Form, out metaFields, out contentFields);

// Split out "required" and validate fields present; if not, redirect to "missing_fields_redirect";
// if not present, throw error.
if (metaFields.ContainsKey("required"))
string[] reqFields = ((string)metaFields["required"]).Split(new char[] {','});

foreach (string s in reqFields)
if (!contentFields.ContainsKey(s))
if (metaFields.ContainsKey("missing_fields_redirect"))
this.Response.Redirect((string)metaFields["missing_fields_redirect"], true);
// Execution terminates here.
this.SetError(String.Format("User Error: The {0} field was not provided.", s));

// Split out the "recipient" metaField around commas; if it doesn't exist, throw error.
if (!metaFields.ContainsKey("recipient"))
// If no recipient specified, use the first member of the AllowMailTo variable, thus
// emulating the formmail behaviour.
if (this.AllowMailTo.Length > 0)
// Fake it.
metaFields.Add("recipient", this.AllowMailTo[0]);
this.SetError("Usage Error: No recipients were specified for the form.");

string[] rawRecipients = ((string)metaFields["recipient"]).Split(new char[] { ',' });

// Validate recipient count (MaxRecipients).
if ((MaxRecipients != 0) && (rawRecipients.Length > this.MaxRecipients))
this.SetError(String.Format("Usage Error: Too many recipients; maximum number is {0}.", this.MaxRecipients));

// Perform recipient alias substitution (RecipientAliases) to temp list.
ArrayList trueRecipients = new ArrayList();
ArrayList aliasRecipients = new ArrayList ();

foreach (string s in rawRecipients)
if (this.RecipientAliases.ContainsKey(s))

// Validate recipient addresses (AllowMailTo).
foreach (string s in trueRecipients)
bool valid = false ;

foreach (string v in this.AllowMailTo)
// If it ends with the valid string, it's either the same, or in that domain.
// Yeah, partial addresses and domains will also work, this way, but let's not point
// it out, huh? If anyone does anything stupid with this option, it's their own damn
// fault.
if (s.EndsWith(v))
valid = true;

if (valid = false)
this.SetError(String.Format("Usage Error: Recipient {0} is not valid for this script.", s));

// Add aliases back in, format final sending list.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

foreach (string s in aliasRecipients)

foreach (string s in trueRecipients)

sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);

string recipients = sb.ToString();

// Split out and set "subject".
string subject;
if (metaFields.ContainsKey("subject"))
subject = (string)metaFields["subject"];
subject = "Booking Form";

// Create message body pre-amble.
StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder ();
body.Append("Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by\n");

if (contentFields.ContainsKey("realname"))
body.Append("the user");

if (contentFields.ContainsKey("email"))
body.Append(String.Format(" <{0}>", (string)contentFields["email"]));

body.Append(String.Format(" on {0}.\n", DateTime.Now));

// Loop on content fields and prepare message body; obey values of
// DoubleSpacing, WrapText, "sort", "print_blank_fields".
bool printBlankFields ;
ArrayList sortOrder ;

if (metaFields.ContainsKey("print_blank_fields"))
printBlankFields = true;
printBlankFields = false;

if (metaFields.ContainsKey("sort"))
string sv = (string)metaFields["sort"] ;

if (sv == "alphabetic")
sortOrder = this.GetFields(contentFields);
else if (sv.StartsWith("order:"))
sortOrder = new ArrayList();

string [] skeys = (sv.Substring(6)).Split(new char[] { ',' });
foreach (string s in skeys)
this.SetError(String.Format("Usage Error: the sort order {0} is not supported.", sv));
// Or it can be blank, in which case we take them as they come.
sortOrder = this.GetFields (contentFields) ;

// Loop through the sort order
foreach (string key in sortOrder)
// Does the field exist? If so, append it if PrintBlankFields, if not, not,
// while wrapping the text.
if (contentFields.ContainsKey(key))
if ((string)contentFields[key] != String.Empty)
body.Append(String.Format("{0}\n", this.BuildSingleField(key, (string)contentFields[key])));
if (printBlankFields)
body.Append (String.Format ("{0}\n", this.BuildSingleField (key, ""))) ;

// If DoubleSpacing, append extra blank line.
if (this.DoubleSpacing)
body.Append ("\n") ;

// Check for "email" and "realname" values in contentValues to decide whether or not to
// use as sender address.
string senderaddr;

if (contentFields.ContainsKey("_email"))
if (contentFields.ContainsKey("realname"))
senderaddr = String.Format("{0} ({1})", (string)contentFields["email"], (string)contentFields["realname"]);
senderaddr = (string)contentFields["email"];
senderaddr = this.Sender;

// Send e-mail to "recipient"s, from "email"/"realname", or Sender, accordingly, going
// though SmtpServer.
this.SendMail(recipients, senderaddr, subject, body.ToString());

// If redirect, redirect to that page, otherwise...
if (metaFields.ContainsKey("redirect"))
Response.Redirect((string)metaFields["redirect"], true);

// If NoContent, return that code...
if (this.NoContent)
Response.StatusCode = 204;

// ...otherwise display "return_link", "return_link_title". If both
// are not present, drop through.
if ((metaFields.ContainsKey("return_link")) && (metaFields.ContainsKey("return_link_title")))
hlReturn.NavigateUrl = (string)metaFields["return_link"];
hlReturn.Text = (string)metaFields["return_link_title"];
hlReturn.Visible = true;

lbError.Text = "Your form was successfully submitted.\n" ;

private string BuildSingleField(string key, string value)
string baseval = String.Format("{0}: {1}", key, value);

if (!this.WrapText)
return baseval;
// Wrap the text at the 72nd column.
StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder();

// Loop chopping the text at the 1st space before 72 and appending it as a new line.
while (baseval.Length > 72)
int cutPosition = 72;

while ((baseval[cutPosition] != ' ') && (cutPosition > 0))
cutPosition-- ;

if (cutPosition == 0)
cutPosition = 72 ; // if we hit the beginning, hard-cut it.

retval.Append (baseval.Substring (0, cutPosition+1)) ;
baseval = baseval.Remove (0, cutPosition+1) ;

// Append the remains, *without* a new line.

return retval.ToString();

// Check the referer header of this post against the authorised list; if it is allowed, return
// true; if not allowed, return false.
private bool CheckReferer()
// Check for empty referer first.
if (this.Request.UrlReferrer == null)
if (this.AllowEmptyReferer)
return true;
return false;

// Get the host part.
string host = this.Request.UrlReferrer.Host;

foreach (string s in this.Referers)
if (s == host)
return true;

// If we don't find it in the array, it's not allowed.
return false;

private ArrayList GetFields(Hashtable fields)
ArrayList retval = new ArrayList();

foreach (string s in fields.Keys)

return retval;

// Split up the posted form values into meta-keys that command formmail and content keys that are values
// to return.
private void ParseForm(NameValueCollection formValues, out Hashtable metaValues, out Hashtable contentValues)
string[] metaKeys = { "recipient", "subject", "redirect", "return_link_url", "return_link_title",
"sort", "required", "missing_fields_redirect", "print_blank_fields", "submit" };

metaValues = new Hashtable();
contentValues = new Hashtable();

foreach (string k in formValues.Keys)
foreach (string m in metaKeys)
if (k.Equals(m))
metaValues.Add(k, formValues[k]);
goto iterate;
contentValues.Add(k, formValues[k]);
iterate: ;

// return the two new Hashtables

private void SendMail(string recipient, string sender, string subject, string body)
// Construct the message.
MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();
// TODO: envelope from
msg.From = sender;
msg.To = recipient ;
msg.Subject = subject;
msg.Body = body;

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = this.SmtpRelay;

catch (Exception ex)
this.SetError(String.Format("Your submission could not be delivered: {0}", ex.Message));

// Set the text of an error message and colorise it.
private void SetError(string errorMessage)
lbError.Text = errorMessage;
lbError.ForeColor = Color.Red;


<html xmlns="<head runat="server">
<title>Formmail.ASPX - Form Submission By Mail</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="lbError" runat="server"></asp:Label>&nbsp;<br />
<asp:HyperLink ID="hlReturn" runat="server" EnableViewState="False" Visible="False">[hlReturn]</asp:HyperLink></div>

It all works fine (no script errors) but I don't get the email.

Does anyone else host with namesco or know what I might be doing wrong?
if this works on a windows server(local?), but not a remote server and there are not errors then I would say the problem is the remote server's email configuration. or your code needs to provide a username/password for the remote server's email.

this can be done through the web.config so you don't need to re-compile your code. checkout for more assistance.

Jason Meckley
Specialty Bakers, Inc.
Thats what I thought so I added the authentication to web.config but it still don't work :(
use ex.ToString(); instead of ex.Message. this will give you more details as to what the problem is.

Jason Meckley
Specialty Bakers, Inc.
Thanks jmeckley, I changed that code but still don't get any errors. I just don't get the email :(
Well I've got my script working now, I changed the smtp server from smtp.hosts.co.uk to localhost and it worked straight away.

However, using localhost doesn't help when we try and send email from a application being built in asp.net to be run in the office.

I've been given this error by the programmer so wondered if any one can give me a clue on what might be causing it?

This is part of his email to me:

The problem I have is with the smtp server at smtp.hosts.co.uk.

I get the following error when I send an email.

System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.FormatException: Invalid length for a Base-64 char array.
at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
at System.Net.NTAuthentication.GetOutgoingBlob(String incomingBlob)
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpNtlmAuthenticationModule.Authenticate(String challenge, NetworkCredential credential, Object sessionCookie)
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpConnection.GetConnection(String host, Int32 port)
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.GetConnection(String host, Int32 port)
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.GetConnection()
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)

This error is being generated from WITHIN the .NET Framework. From googling the exception I think there is a problem with the message being returned from the smtp server.

If I send an email using my home email account - bt smtp server - I get no problems, sends mail everytime.

This error is NOT from running the code above, this is different code that I don't have but is still trying to email out using namesco's SMTP server.
I think I found the problem. you're hard coding the email server within the code.
// SMTP relay string SmtpRelay = "smtp.hosts.co.uk";
use the web.config file to configure the host/port/user/pwd.

Jason Meckley
Specialty Bakers, Inc.
Thanks jmeckley, but I already had all that in the web.config file too.

I've got it to work in the end by using localhost instead of smtp.hosts.co.uk
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