I would like to email excel files using a distribution list in a table in access. I'm trying to use code I found here but getting "user defined type not found" when I try to run on the DIM myo As outlook.application. Does anyone know how to address?
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command0___Click()
Dim aSubject As String
Dim aBody As String
Dim aAttach As String
Dim RSSpecialist As Recordset
Dim arootpath As String
Dim aAttachments As String
Dim arecipients As String
Dim strSpecialistName As String
arootpath = Trim(Me!txtfolder)
If Right(arootpath, 1) <> "\" Then
arootpath = arootpath & "\"
End If
txtCurrProfile = Null
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set RSSpecialist = DB.OpenRecordset("FS Specialists", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do Until RSSpecialist.EOF
strSpecialistName = RSSpecialist("FS Specialist")
arecipients = RSSpecialist("Email")
aSubject = "Data for Update"
aBody = "Please review the attached file and update past numbers as well as adding current."
aAttach = arootpath & "FS Specialist " & strSpecialistName & ".xlsx"
Call SendEMail(aSubject, arecipients, aBody, aAttachments, arootpath)
If RSSpecialist.EOF Then Exit Do
Me!txtCurrProfile = "Email Complete..."
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set RSSpecialist = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub SendEMail(ByVal aSubject As String, ByVal arecipients As String, Optional ByVal aBody As String = "", Optional ByVal aAttachments As String = "", Optional ByVal arootpath As String = "")
Dim myO As Outlook.Application
Dim mobjNewMessage As Outlook.MailItem
Dim sRecipient, sAttachment, sDisplayName As String
Dim iMarker, iMarker2 As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_SendEMail
Set myO = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set mobjNewMessage = myO.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mobjNewMessage.Subject = aSubject
mobjNewMessage.Body = aBody
' Loop through ; separated recipients
iMarker = InStr(1, arecipients, ";", vbTextCompare)
If iMarker = 0 Then
sRecipient = arecipients
sRecipient = Mid(arecipients, 1, iMarker - 1)
arecipients = Mid(arecipients, iMarker + 1)
End If
If Len(sRecipient) <> 0 Then mobjNewMessage.Recipients.Add sRecipient
Loop While iMarker <> 0
' Loop through ; separated attachments - also look for ***DisplayName
iMarker = InStr(1, aAttachments, ";", vbTextCompare)
If iMarker = 0 Then
sAttachment = aAttachments
sAttachment = Mid(aAttachments, 1, iMarker - 1)
aAttachments = Mid(aAttachments, iMarker + 1)
End If
If Len(sAttachment) <> 0 Then
' Is there an embedded display name?
iMarker2 = InStr(1, sAttachment, "***", vbTextCompare)
If iMarker2 <> 0 Then
sDisplayName = Mid(sAttachment, iMarker2 + 3)
sAttachment = arootpath + Mid(sAttachment, 1, iMarker2 - 1)
If StrComp(Dir(sAttachment), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then mobjNewMessage.Attachments.Add sAttachment, , , sDisplayName
If StrComp(Dir(arootpath + sAttachment), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then mobjNewMessage.Attachments.Add arootpath + sAttachment
End If
End If
Loop While iMarker <> 0
' Send the message
Set mobjNewMessage = Nothing
Set myO = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, , "Send Mail Error"
Resume Exit_SendEMail
End Sub
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command0___Click()
Dim aSubject As String
Dim aBody As String
Dim aAttach As String
Dim RSSpecialist As Recordset
Dim arootpath As String
Dim aAttachments As String
Dim arecipients As String
Dim strSpecialistName As String
arootpath = Trim(Me!txtfolder)
If Right(arootpath, 1) <> "\" Then
arootpath = arootpath & "\"
End If
txtCurrProfile = Null
Set DB = CurrentDb
Set RSSpecialist = DB.OpenRecordset("FS Specialists", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do Until RSSpecialist.EOF
strSpecialistName = RSSpecialist("FS Specialist")
arecipients = RSSpecialist("Email")
aSubject = "Data for Update"
aBody = "Please review the attached file and update past numbers as well as adding current."
aAttach = arootpath & "FS Specialist " & strSpecialistName & ".xlsx"
Call SendEMail(aSubject, arecipients, aBody, aAttachments, arootpath)
If RSSpecialist.EOF Then Exit Do
Me!txtCurrProfile = "Email Complete..."
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set RSSpecialist = Nothing
Set DB = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub SendEMail(ByVal aSubject As String, ByVal arecipients As String, Optional ByVal aBody As String = "", Optional ByVal aAttachments As String = "", Optional ByVal arootpath As String = "")
Dim myO As Outlook.Application
Dim mobjNewMessage As Outlook.MailItem
Dim sRecipient, sAttachment, sDisplayName As String
Dim iMarker, iMarker2 As Integer
On Error GoTo Error_SendEMail
Set myO = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set mobjNewMessage = myO.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mobjNewMessage.Subject = aSubject
mobjNewMessage.Body = aBody
' Loop through ; separated recipients
iMarker = InStr(1, arecipients, ";", vbTextCompare)
If iMarker = 0 Then
sRecipient = arecipients
sRecipient = Mid(arecipients, 1, iMarker - 1)
arecipients = Mid(arecipients, iMarker + 1)
End If
If Len(sRecipient) <> 0 Then mobjNewMessage.Recipients.Add sRecipient
Loop While iMarker <> 0
' Loop through ; separated attachments - also look for ***DisplayName
iMarker = InStr(1, aAttachments, ";", vbTextCompare)
If iMarker = 0 Then
sAttachment = aAttachments
sAttachment = Mid(aAttachments, 1, iMarker - 1)
aAttachments = Mid(aAttachments, iMarker + 1)
End If
If Len(sAttachment) <> 0 Then
' Is there an embedded display name?
iMarker2 = InStr(1, sAttachment, "***", vbTextCompare)
If iMarker2 <> 0 Then
sDisplayName = Mid(sAttachment, iMarker2 + 3)
sAttachment = arootpath + Mid(sAttachment, 1, iMarker2 - 1)
If StrComp(Dir(sAttachment), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then mobjNewMessage.Attachments.Add sAttachment, , , sDisplayName
If StrComp(Dir(arootpath + sAttachment), "", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then mobjNewMessage.Attachments.Add arootpath + sAttachment
End If
End If
Loop While iMarker <> 0
' Send the message
Set mobjNewMessage = Nothing
Set myO = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, , "Send Mail Error"
Resume Exit_SendEMail
End Sub