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Email Attachments using ASP

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Nov 13, 2000
I have a MYSQL database of members, I want to be able to send members emails with attachments.

Using the following ASP code I can send emails without attachments but get error 800421a when I try an attachment.

I believe the problem is the attachment is on localhost and the server tries to find it on the server.

Data is selected/entered on the previous page and set into variables using "Request.form"

vAttachment contains the address of the file on the local computer; "C:\myfile\xxx.txt".

Set oMSG = createobject("CDO.Message")
oMSG.To = veMailAddress
oMSG.From = vSender
oMSG.Subject = vSubject
oMSG.TextBody = veMailMessage
if vAttachment <> "" then
Att = " & vAttachment
end if
set oMSG=nothing

I have tried several various ideas of " without success. What is the correct syntax to add an attachment using a file on the local computer?

Thanks for any help
change this Att=" & vAttachment
to this
Att=Server.mappath ("./" & vAttachment)
or this
Att=Server.mappath (vAttachment)
use response.write Att
to help get it right

DougP, MCP, A+
Thanks DougP
I tried the following got this error.

vAttachment = c:\alerts.txt

Att=Server.mappath ("./" & vAttachment) ' Line 32 of code
Server.MapPath() error 'ASP 0173 : 80004005'
Invalid Path Character
/SendEMail.asp, line 32

An invalid character was specified in the Path parameter for the MapPath method.
Same error if I use C:/alerts.txt

if I change line 32 of code to
Att=Server.mappath (vAttachment) ' Line 32 of code and use the same input strings
I get...
Server.MapPath() error 'ASP 0172 : 80004005'
Invalid Path
/SendEMail.asp, line 32
The Path parameter for the MapPath method must be a virtual path. A physical path was used.

Any ideas what the proper code should be?

give this a try if the file is located in the same folder as your page
Att="./" & vAttachment

DougP, MCP, A+
or how about just the file name

DougP, MCP, A+
>vAttachment = c:\alerts.txt
[tt]vAttachment = [red]"[/red]c:\alerts.txt[red]"[/red][/tt]
If that's is a local file with the absolute path like shown, you don't any server.mappath or else; simply att=vattachment suffice.
Thanks guys but I get the message:

Response.write of Att = c:AnnResume2.doc

CDO.Message.1 error '80070003'
The system cannot find the path specified.

I think it is looking for the file on the server when it is really on the client side. However, I have tried using and localhost to look at the client computer without success so I have the wrong syntax if that is what is needed.
Ah, thats the missing piece. You cannot access client-side files using server-side objects in ASP. At least not without some very interesting drive mapping code, windows authentication settings, and various other not-so-fun things.

Many thanks, guess I will have to look at another way.
smokey joe
How are you starting your script
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<script Language="VBScript">

DougP, MCP, A+
Thanks Doug, I did a cut and paste from one of my pages and I am using;

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

smokey joe
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