Technical User
With the older version of groupwise you could copy the email addresses from one email to another but with Groupwise Version 6.5.2 if you copy the email addresses you tend to get the following
Cornell, Dave; Irvine,Garrie,Harold; Wright,Irina; Vibert,John; Macintyre,Peter; Pantofaru,Stuart; Janson,Wayne; Williamson,
When it should be the following
Cornell, Dave; Irvine, Stuart; Janson, John; Macintyre, Peter; Pantofaru, Irina; Vibert, Wayne; Williamson, Harold; Wright, Garrie
Could you let me know if there is anything I can do about this.
Cornell, Dave; Irvine,Garrie,Harold; Wright,Irina; Vibert,John; Macintyre,Peter; Pantofaru,Stuart; Janson,Wayne; Williamson,
When it should be the following
Cornell, Dave; Irvine, Stuart; Janson, John; Macintyre, Peter; Pantofaru, Irina; Vibert, Wayne; Williamson, Harold; Wright, Garrie
Could you let me know if there is anything I can do about this.