I am developing a very simple application, that manages products and orders.
When entering one line of the order for a client, I have to update the stock like this:
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
strsql = "update stock set art_quant = art_quant - " & _
Str(Me!LinAlb_Cant) & _
" where art_cod_referencia = " & _
"'" & Me!LinAlb_Art_Ref & "'"
DoCmd.RunSQL (strsql)
End Sub
When executing the RunSQL, it appears a confirmation message box that I need to eliminate.
Do you know how to do it?.
When entering one line of the order for a client, I have to update the stock like this:
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
strsql = "update stock set art_quant = art_quant - " & _
Str(Me!LinAlb_Cant) & _
" where art_cod_referencia = " & _
"'" & Me!LinAlb_Art_Ref & "'"
DoCmd.RunSQL (strsql)
End Sub
When executing the RunSQL, it appears a confirmation message box that I need to eliminate.
Do you know how to do it?.