I ahve data set that appears in the report is as follows
ID# Name Address Phone# Instructer Room#
1234 Tina 123 wweee 987-0987 NN 102
1234 Tina 123 wweee 098-0987 NN 102
0976 Mom 3636 hhhh 098-9876 OO 102
The output desired ist and the third data set not the second one.
I ahve data set that appears in the report is as follows
ID# Name Address Phone# Instructer Room#
1234 Tina 123 wweee 987-0987 NN 102
1234 Tina 123 wweee 098-0987 NN 102
0976 Mom 3636 hhhh 098-9876 OO 102
The output desired ist and the third data set not the second one.