I am trying to put together a query with many layers.
ClientInfo (containing client name and ID) is the master table, which is connected (by “ClientID” to two child tables: Cases and BriefServices.
“Cases” has two child tables of its own: Advocates and Problems.
I wrote a query that shows me everything: ClientInfo, Cases, Briefs, Advocates, Problems…my problem is that the ClientInfo field repeats. If I have a client with both a Case and a Briefservice, the ClientInfo field is stated both on the line for the briefservice and the case. If I have a client with a Case with three advocates, the clientinfo—as well as the caseinfo—is repeated three times.
All the vertically duplicated cells make it confusing to glance at the displays-everything query.
I want to be able to display the records so that ClientInfo is only listed once for each client, even though one Client may have several cases. Likewise, I want to make sure that each case is only listed once, even though each case may have several advocates or problems.
Is there any way to do this? Another query?
If there's no way, our office can deal
Thanks very much!!!!!