I'm looking for a short explanation on how to set up a Windows NT Workstation 4.0 machine without the Ctrl-Alt-Delete logon screen. This is just going to be a stand-alone training machine so security is not a concern.
Edit the registry - PLEASE be careful. Make backups before anything.
Modify/Create the following Keys
AutoAdminLogon 1
DefaultDomainName Your Domain or Local Machine Name
Default Password Your Password
DefaultUserName Your Username
This should automatically log you into the box.
Hopefully I did not forget any keys, but this should do it.
Hope this helps!
>:O> [sig]<a href=mailto: anongod@hotmail.com> anongod@hotmail.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>"Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing."[/sig]
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