I have a location with an NEC Electra Professional Level II Advanced and a VMS-F(4)-20 KTU voicemail board.
In the past they had "deactivated" the voicemail system and now are wanting to use it again.
I am vaguely familiar with the programming of the NEC systems and I have found some documentation for the phone system but not for the voicemail.
I can only find manuals for "newer" voicemail systems. I tried going through the setup for VM per the "newer" doc's but there are settings that I tried to go through that are not showing up in the Prof Lvl 2 Advanced programming.
Does anyone have a source for the correct documentation for these two systems that they could share?
Thanks in advance!
I have a location with an NEC Electra Professional Level II Advanced and a VMS-F(4)-20 KTU voicemail board.
In the past they had "deactivated" the voicemail system and now are wanting to use it again.
I am vaguely familiar with the programming of the NEC systems and I have found some documentation for the phone system but not for the voicemail.
I can only find manuals for "newer" voicemail systems. I tried going through the setup for VM per the "newer" doc's but there are settings that I tried to go through that are not showing up in the Prof Lvl 2 Advanced programming.
Does anyone have a source for the correct documentation for these two systems that they could share?
Thanks in advance!