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Ejecting tapes into media access port w/out having to confirm removal?

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Technical User
Apr 1, 2005
Hi, please help, this one's driving me mad. We have Netbackup 5.1, W2K. Multiple libraries (mainly Storagetek), multiple sites, multiple master servers.

If I eject some tapes using the Netbackup Admin GUI, the robot puts the tapes into the media access port so that our on-site tape ops person can take them out.

With Netbackup 3.4, that was it...we ejected the tapes and left them there. The tape ops guy would come along and take them out whenever he felt like it. And that worked just nicely for us. We (as remote backup admins) didn't have to do anything else with regards to tape ejects, other than eject them, then tell the tape ops guy that they were ready for him to remove them.

Now with Netbackup 5.1 (and 4.5), it ejects the tapes into the CAP, then comes up with a 'remove ejected media from the media access port. Do you wish to continue with the eject?' dialogue box. This is where our major problems start. If I click 'yes' before the tapes have been removed, Netbackup reinventories the library, and brings the tapes back in. If I click 'no', Netbackup reinventories the library and brings the tape back in. If I don't do anything, it times out after a while and brings the tapes back in. In other words, I have to sit staring at that stupid message box, which ties up the admin console so I can't do anything else, waiting for the tape ops guy to remove the tapes, hopefully before it times out and brings the tapes back in before he has chance, before I can click 'yes' and get rid of it. Imagine having to do this for 30+ sites. It's an absolute nightmare. It used to take 1 minute to eject tapes using Netbackup 3.4. We used to eject them, and forget about them. With Netbackup 5.1, it's a nightmare.

I just want to eject the tapes, then leave it at that, like we used to with Netbackup 3.4. I don't want to have to confirm that the tapes have been physically moved (why should I? What difference does it make to Netbackup??). I don't want Netbackup to automatically bring the tapes back in after a certain period. I don't want my GUI tied up while I wait for the ejects. I don't want to have to try and persuade a grumpy tape ops guy to remove tapes exactly when I want him to. Please anyone, help!


Have you tried ejecting tapes via the command line using vmchange?

(Eject TL8 or TLD volumes)
vmchange -res -multi_eject [-w] [-verbose]
-rn <robot_number> -rt <robot_type> -rh <robot_control_host>
-ml <media_id:media_id:...:media_id>

(Eject TLM, or TLH volumes)
vmchange -api_eject -map <map_id> [-w]
[-h <volume_database_host>]
-res -ml <media_id:media_id:...:media_id> -rt <robot_type>
-rn <robot_number> -rh <robot_control_host> [-v <volume_group>]

(Eject ACS volumes)
vmchange -api_eject -map <map_id:map_id:...:map_id>|any [-w]
[-h <volume_database_host>]
-res -ml <media_id:media_id:...:media_id> -rt <robot_type>
-rn <robot_number> -rh <robot_control_host> [-v <volume_group>]

Bob Stump
Just because the VERITAS documentation states a certain thing does not make it a fact and thats the truth
Thanks for the quick response Bob.

Have come across that command before, and ruled it out - we'd have to specify each tape on the command line...and when we've got 30+ sites each with up to 30 tapes coming out each time...that could be an even worse nightmare.

I can't understand why Veritas have chosen to make things extremely difficult with 4.5/5.1...it was *so* easy with 3.4...point, click, choose 'eject'...why on earth is it so difficult now? Bizarre.

I understand the situation. I also am not happy with the way it is done now. Another thing that has not worked reliably since 4.5 FP? was the auto inventory. By simply placing a line in the vm.conf file you could enter tapes into the cap and NetBackup would unload the cap and automatically add the volumes to NetBackup. I started having too many quirks in one of the 4.5 FP's that I had to remove the line and go back to adding tapes via the command line.

Bob Stump
Just because the VERITAS documentation states a certain thing does not make it a fact and thats the truth
Now I remember the line.
add that to the /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf file and the cap will automatically drain and volumn manager will add the tapes to NetBackup as soon as the cap door is closed.

At least that was with NetBackup 3.4 and initial 4.5

Bob Stump
Just because the VERITAS documentation states a certain thing does not make it a fact and thats the truth
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