Hello all. This may seem like an impractical approach to having a tape automatically eject, but hey, it works (kind of). I have several standalone networker servers in each of my divisions. The local IT contact just cant stand it that the tape doesn't automatically eject each night after backing up. So here's what I did: I created a simple batch file with the command nsrmm -j. The command works great if I actually type in Start, Run, cmd then nsrmm -j, but not when included in a .bat file. When I run the .bat file, I see the actual command window pop up and then the command, but it disappears very quickly without actually running the command. What I'd like to do is have the batch file run on a scheduled task every morning at say 6am or so. I've verified that the executable actually ejects the tape, I just can't get it to work in a simple .bat file. Any ideas?