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Either BOF or EOF is True, when paging

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Jul 30, 2001
I have found some info. on paging, but when I click on the button to scroll to the next set of records I get the following message :

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bcd'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

/holdingdbv2/searchresultsschool.asp, line 38

line 38 is RS.AbsolutePage = PageNo.

does anybody have any suggestions ?

CHeck you are connecting to the correct table in the database (check the name of it).

You could try a movefirst command to make sure another process hasn't left your pointer at the end of the table.
This is my asp page.
The first connection / recordset is what I want to page.
When it first loads I get the data, it is when I want to go to the next page is when the error appears ....

Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0
Const adOpenKeyset = 1
Const adOpenDynamic = 2
Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockReadOnly = 1
Const adLockPessimistic = 2
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
Const adLockBatchOptimistic = 4

Dim module

module = Request.Form(&quot;module&quot;)

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
Set RS = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.RecordSet&quot;)
Conn.Open &quot;Holding&quot;,&quot;edholding&quot;,&quot;edholding&quot;
sql = &quot;SELECT [RepGenA].[filename], [RepGenA].[UPN], [RepGenA].[Forename], [RepGenA].[surname],[RepGenA].[DOB] FROM RepGenA WHERE SUBSTRING(RepGenA.filename,4,4) = '&quot;&module&&quot;' AND DateofLeaving = '' &quot;
RS.Open sql, Conn, adOpenKeyset,adLockReadOnly
RS.PageSize = 10' Number of rows per page
if Request(&quot;Action&quot;) = &quot;&quot; Then
FormAction = &quot; searchresultsschool.asp&quot; 'NOTE This is the name of the current form.
end if
ScrollAction = Request(&quot;ScrollAction&quot;)
if ScrollAction <> &quot;&quot; Then
'Create Page Information
PageNo = mid(ScrollAction, 5)
if PageNo<1 Then
PageNo = 1
end if
PageNo = 1
end if
RS.AbsolutePage = PageNo

<title>Holding Database</title>



if rs.eof then
Response.Write &quot;No Records found, Please choose again.&quot;

Dim SearchTextcompany, MyConncompany, SQLcompany, RScompany

Set MyConncompany=Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
MyConncompany.Open &quot;schoolsasp&quot;,&quot;schoolsasp&quot;,&quot;schoolsasp&quot;

SQLcompany = &quot;SELECT EstablishmentID, DfEE, EstablishmentName From Establishments WHERE DfEE = '&quot;&module&&quot;' ORDER BY EstablishmentName&quot;

Set RScompany = MyConncompany.Execute(SQLcompany)
<p BGCOLOR=#C7CFFD BORDERCOLOR=#000000 nowrap><FONT SIZE=+1 FACE=&quot;Arial&quot; COLOR=#000000>Pupils in <%=Server.HTMLEncode(rscompany.Fields(&quot;EstablishmentName&quot;).Value)%> </FONT></p>
Set RScompany = Nothing
Set MyConncompany = Nothing

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=&quot;<%=FormAction%>&quot; id=form2 name=form2>
<%Do while not (RS is nothing) %>
<TH BGCOLOR=lightblue BORDERCOLOR=#000000 nowrap><FONT SIZE=2 FACE=&quot;Arial&quot; COLOR=#000000>UPN</FONT></TH>
<TH BGCOLOR=lightblue BORDERCOLOR=#000000 nowrap><FONT SIZE=2 FACE=&quot;Arial&quot; COLOR=#000000>Forename</FONT></TH>
<TH BGCOLOR=lightblue BORDERCOLOR=#000000><FONT SIZE=2 FACE=&quot;Arial&quot; COLOR=#000000>Surname</FONT></TH>
<TH BGCOLOR=lightblue BORDERCOLOR=#000000><FONT SIZE=2 FACE=&quot;Arial&quot; COLOR=#000000>Date of Birth</FONT></TH>

<%RowCount = rs.PageSize
Do While Not RS.EOF and rowcount>0%>

<TR VALIGN=TOP onMouseover=&quot;changeto('yellow')&quot;
<a href=&quot;./moredetails.asp?G_id=<%=Server.HTMLEncode(rs.Fields(&quot;upn&quot;).Value)%>&quot;>

<TD BORDERCOLOR=#c0c0c0 nowrap><FONT SIZE=2 FACE=&quot;Arial&quot; COLOR=#000000><%=RS(&quot;UPN&quot;)%><BR></FONT></TD>
<TD BORDERCOLOR=#c0c0c0 nowrap><FONT SIZE=2 FACE=&quot;Arial&quot; COLOR=#000000><%=RS(&quot;Forename&quot;)%><BR></FONT></TD>
<TD BORDERCOLOR=#c0c0c0><FONT SIZE=2 FACE=&quot;Arial&quot; COLOR=#000000><%=RS(&quot;Surname&quot;)%><BR></FONT></TD>
<TD BORDERCOLOR=#c0c0c0><FONT SIZE=2 FACE=&quot;Arial&quot; COLOR=#000000><%=RS(&quot;DOB&quot;)%><BR></FONT></TD>

'Now we move to the next record in the recordset
'Now we set the result to the next recordset
set RS=RS.NextRecordSet
'Finally we close the connnection
set RS=nothing
set Conn=nothing%>
<INPUT TYPE=&quot;HIDDEN&quot; NAME=&quot;sql&quot; VALUE=&quot;<%=sql%>&quot;>
<%if PageNo>1 Then
'This code is for the button to go to the previous result, as you can see it starts when pageno=1, this is because on page 0 with the first 5 records, there is no previous result
<INPUT TYPE=&quot;SUBMIT&quot; NAME=&quot;ScrollAction&quot; VALUE=&quot;<%=&quot;Page &quot; & PageNo-1%>&quot;>
<%end if %>

<%'The following code is for the button to go the next result
if PageNo<TotalPages or (PageNo=1 and totalpages>1) Then %>
<INPUT TYPE=&quot;SUBMIT&quot; NAME=&quot;ScrollAction&quot; VALUE=&quot;<%=&quot;Page &quot; & PageNo+1%>&quot;>
<%end if %>


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Part and Inventory Search

