I have an Access application that has evolved into more than it should. In doing so, I have split the application into a front-end residing on local PCs and a back-end residing on a network server. The back-end only contains tables.
The application has a drill down feature allowing users to drill down to detail information. The drill down forms show the 'gap counts' for each level. Since this is a multiuser app, we've had to put in code to dynamically calculate gap counts as each form opens up. This has become a big resource hog, especially going across networks and especially as the database becomes more and more populated.
I'm hoping if I put my loop out here, someone will spot an inefficiency in it - allowing me to speed it up. I'm close to scrapping the current model and rewriting a better client/server type app.
Here's the loop:
rst.Open "tblTLevelD", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If Not rst.EOF Then rst.MoveFirst
Do While Not rst.EOF
rst2.Open "select * from tblTLevelE where level_id = '" & rst![Component] & "' and actioncount > 0 order by counter;", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
hcount2 = 0
mcount2 = 0
lcount2 = 0
gcount2 = 0
Do While Not rst2.EOF
If rst2!HighCount > 0 Then
hcount2 = hcount2 + 1
gcount2 = gcount2 + 1
ElseIf rst2!MediumCount > 0 Then
mcount2 = mcount2 + 1
gcount2 = gcount2 + 1
ElseIf rst2!LowCount > 0 Then
lcount2 = lcount2 + 1
gcount2 = gcount2 + 1
End If
cntlp1 = cntlp1 + 1
rst!ActionCount = gcount2
rst!LowCount = lcount2
rst!MediumCount = mcount2
rst!HighCount = hcount2
cntlp2 = cntlp2 + 1
Basically I'm just summing up the gap counts from tblTlevelE and putting them into tblTLevelD. Nothing fancy.
I tried to write a SQL update statement, but I ran into the Access dead-end that doesn't allow you to use a subquery with a summation statement. The sql statement I was trying was
UPDATE tblTLevelD SET tblTLevelD.HighCount = (SELECT Sum(tblTLevelE.HighCount) AS SumOfHighCount FROM tblTLevelE where [tblTLevelE].[Level_Id]=[tblTLevelD].[Component] GROUP BY tblTLevelE.Level_Id );
It was returning 'Operation must use an updateable query' message.
Any thoughts on how to make this loop more efficient would be very much appreciated. If at all possible, I'm trying to avoid having to scrap this type of dynamic updates and being forced into a 'batch processing' type of mode.
The application has a drill down feature allowing users to drill down to detail information. The drill down forms show the 'gap counts' for each level. Since this is a multiuser app, we've had to put in code to dynamically calculate gap counts as each form opens up. This has become a big resource hog, especially going across networks and especially as the database becomes more and more populated.
I'm hoping if I put my loop out here, someone will spot an inefficiency in it - allowing me to speed it up. I'm close to scrapping the current model and rewriting a better client/server type app.
Here's the loop:
rst.Open "tblTLevelD", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If Not rst.EOF Then rst.MoveFirst
Do While Not rst.EOF
rst2.Open "select * from tblTLevelE where level_id = '" & rst![Component] & "' and actioncount > 0 order by counter;", cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
hcount2 = 0
mcount2 = 0
lcount2 = 0
gcount2 = 0
Do While Not rst2.EOF
If rst2!HighCount > 0 Then
hcount2 = hcount2 + 1
gcount2 = gcount2 + 1
ElseIf rst2!MediumCount > 0 Then
mcount2 = mcount2 + 1
gcount2 = gcount2 + 1
ElseIf rst2!LowCount > 0 Then
lcount2 = lcount2 + 1
gcount2 = gcount2 + 1
End If
cntlp1 = cntlp1 + 1
rst!ActionCount = gcount2
rst!LowCount = lcount2
rst!MediumCount = mcount2
rst!HighCount = hcount2
cntlp2 = cntlp2 + 1
Basically I'm just summing up the gap counts from tblTlevelE and putting them into tblTLevelD. Nothing fancy.
I tried to write a SQL update statement, but I ran into the Access dead-end that doesn't allow you to use a subquery with a summation statement. The sql statement I was trying was
UPDATE tblTLevelD SET tblTLevelD.HighCount = (SELECT Sum(tblTLevelE.HighCount) AS SumOfHighCount FROM tblTLevelE where [tblTLevelE].[Level_Id]=[tblTLevelD].[Component] GROUP BY tblTLevelE.Level_Id );
It was returning 'Operation must use an updateable query' message.
Any thoughts on how to make this loop more efficient would be very much appreciated. If at all possible, I'm trying to avoid having to scrap this type of dynamic updates and being forced into a 'batch processing' type of mode.