I am going through a description field in a table separated by spaces
I am using Split to capture each word in a separate field and the place it in the same table in field1, field2, field3 each time I loop around
How can I code the [BOLD] rst!field1 = splt [/BOLD] since the number 1 is placed in through a counter?
it does not recognize [BOLD] rst!Field & Cnt = splt [/BOLD]
I am using Split to capture each word in a separate field and the place it in the same table in field1, field2, field3 each time I loop around
How can I code the [BOLD] rst!field1 = splt [/BOLD] since the number 1 is placed in through a counter?
it does not recognize [BOLD] rst!Field & Cnt = splt [/BOLD]
Do While rst.EOF = False
Cnt = 1
Wrd = Split(Nz(rst!Description, ""), " ")
For Each splt In Wrd
rst!Field & Cnt = splt
Cnt = Cnt + 1
' On Error Resume Next