I am editing records from a SQL database using a form in ASP.
The form posts to a new page
which contains the following:
Does anyone know how I could incorporate this code within my current page without having to post to another page or leave the current page?
The form posts to a new page
<form method="post" action="edit_Business.asp">
which contains the following:
sql="UPDATE Business SET "
sql=sql & "[Business Code]='" & Request.Form("BusinessCode") & "',"
sql=sql & "[Business Description]='" & Request.Form("BusinessDescription") & "',"
sql=sql & "[UnitID]='" & Request.Form("Unit") & "'"
sql=sql & " WHERE [Business_ID]='" & Request.Form("Business") & "'"
Set obj_RS1 = obj_CN.Execute(sql, adBoolean)
Does anyone know how I could incorporate this code within my current page without having to post to another page or leave the current page?