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Jul 24, 2002
[COLOR=blue]Anyone here implemented or tested an AS2 solution? If so what software was used and with what trading partners?[/color]
The client I work for uses Cyclone for its AS2 communications. They have worked with Walmart and Meijer are 2 of the ones I am familiar with. I do know they are having problems using Cyclone to WebMethods. But, I am not aware of the details.
We are getting ready to implement AS2 with Wal-Mart. We are going to use iSoft Commerce Suite.

It is my understanding that for most vendors, Wal-Mart testing will not begin until next year. They are currently in phase 1 testing of a 2 phase testing process. They are getting ready to begin phase 2 testing and we have asked to be part of the phase 2 testing. iSoft Corp is giving a copy of their software for free to do business ONLY with Wal-Mart. It is my understanding that the software is only for a 90 day trial. You will be billed a $300 annual maintenance bill to convert from a 90 trial to a full functional software ONLY with Wal-Mart.

icic, so what was their reply for you guys to be part of the phase 2 testing prcoess? We're getting ready also for Wal-mart but will probably first setup some other TPs on AS2 and hopefully be ready when Wal-mart is.
They basically took my name and number and said we will call you when ready. If they use us good, if not we know that we will have to be ready at some time.

I just got some additional information on iSoft. They now have a leasing program discounted to the number of trading partner that you want to process with.

What software are you going to be using?
Icic, what kind of leasing program do they have now?
We're still evaluating among the various suites, we're currently looking at Cleo's Lexicom, bTrade's TDPeer. What translator do you use?
We are using Gentran as our translator. What are you using?
Hi Soupkid,

What did you mean your company is ready to implement AS2 with Wal-Mart?

No reply? :(

I believe that there is a popular misunderstaning that company which wants to implement AS2 solution of third-part company has to setup and maintain the web server.

As a matter of fact, small companies, even medium ones, are trading by EDI without web server. If they have to setup a server, the cost is not low since they have to hire IT guys and buy and install some database. On the other hand, the AS2 provider can pack the whole thing(including web server, database) into only one package which is a easy way to implement and maintain AS2 not only for AS2 users but As2 providers.

Moreover, in many small or medium cases, AS2 doesn't need a web sever.

From above statements, AS2 users don't need to do any preparation for AS2 implementation. So, I am confused why many people said they were ready to implement AS2. What did they do for that ?

Please give me a thread and correct me if i am wrong.

Hi edisky,

Sorry for the delay. Was out of the office.

What did I mean....
My company is being told to implement a solution that would allow for trading of documents via the internet using the AS2 protocol.

You are correct in that AS2 does not need a web server. Many company are starting to put together complete packages.
Hello Soupkid.

I don't suppose your running your translator on UNIX? We are using Gentran on Solaris and are looking into iSoft and bTrade. Does anyone know what the best AS2 solution would be for UNIX? From what I have seen, I am not too impressed with the UNIX versions of either of these products (at least the free versions of them).



hello unixgy,

what free versions have you tried? can you point me to them. i am also running an application on HP-UX on which i am trying to install AS2 clients. it would be off great help if you could point me to some.

hello all,

i am not sure how this AS2 is different from VPN?? how could i decide or pursue my management to go in this direction. does anyone have any analysis on the pros and cons of AS2 against any other protocols? if so can you provide me with the same as it would be of a great help to me.

thanks and regards,
Hi Unixgy,

We are running our translator on HP-UX box. We have looked into the iSoft solution for Wal-Mart only, but find that iSoft is going to have to make some changes to fit our need. I support multiple vendors under one umbrella. The iSoft solution will not handle it unless they give me additional “keys” to allow for multiple trading partners. I am also looking at bTrade as well but am only at the initial stage of investigation.

I am also using Gentran for Unix. As a matter of fact, I was at the Sterling Ann Arbor office just last week. From the initial information on Sterlings web page, I was not impressed with their solution. It is suppose to be 100% Java which would require at least for me a HP-UP Java Virtual Machine. Mine currently is not. But according to the people that I spoke with, they are in the process of making some changes and coming up with a new EDIINT AS2 solution.
Couple of things on overall discussions going on here

1: AS2 communication software need not run on the same server as the Transltor. It typically runs off a FTP server ( I mean the hardware) or any machine which faces the communication end of the corporate.

2: Given the fact that AS2 based EDI in itself is evolving fast, how good it is go with expensive scaleable solutions than for a adhoc ones. If anyone had done had looked at this angle please post to this thread.


I agree with you on point 2, solutions like iSoft where each piece of the software can be designated to perform one function of the process offers scalabity as needed is the way to go.
Hi, Soupkid,

Thanks for your reply. Your company seems more like an EDI solution consultant than EDI user. If it is that case, I am so gald to meet you on the Internet.

As you said as follows:
>>I support multiple vendors under one umbrella. The iSoft >>solution will not handle it unless they give me >>additional “keys” to allow for multiple trading >>partners.
Regarding PKI system on which AS2 cryptography is based, it is impossible to get only one single key for all of your customers. You have to get key for individuals accordingly, otherwise, the security feature is denied.

>>It is suppose to be 100% Java which would require at >>least for me a HP-UP Java Virtual Machine.
JVM is not problem , I think. You can install JVM in 10 mins. if you have some Java experience. The problem is the performance of Java Language and the whole AS2 implementation strategy the EDI providers decide.

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