I had used this script by Jeff Hill years ago for a Flash ECard. It used to work. I was going to make some new animations and put this back up but it doesn't email the card to the recipient? Has the language changed?
A file does get put into the dBText folder, but all it says is
ToName=&ToEmail=&FromName=&FromEmail=&Greeting=&IntroMessage=&Created=Ecard Created on Thursday 06th 2011f October 2011 ( 11:10:42 AM ).
I think it's supposed to display the info for ToName and so on?
And after hitting send, the flash file does display Success your Card Has Been Sent! which is sent back by the PHP script. So it is recognizing it and kind of working?
The script is as follows
$CreateEcard = date(U);
$filename = $CreateEcard.".txt";
$ToName = stripslashes($ToName);
$FromName = stripslashes($FromName);
$Greeting = stripslashes($Greeting);
$IntroMessage = stripslashes($IntroMessage);
$EndMessage = stripslashes($EndMessage);
$Today = (date ("l dS of F Y ( h:i:s A )",time()));
$Created="Ecard Created on $Today";
$EcardNum = $EcardSelect;
$EcardText = "ToName=$ToName&ToEmail=$ToEmail&FromName=$FromName&FromEmail=$FromEmail&Greeting=$Greeting&IntroMessage=$IntroMessage&Created=$Created";
$fp = fopen( "./dBText/$filename","w");
fwrite($fp, $EcardText, 10000);
fclose( $fp );
######Email Card########
## You can change the subject and the message part around.
## Make sure to change the Link as stated in the Tutorial.
## (Change from 'someSite' to your actual site - leave the rest the same
$ToSubject = "You have recieved a Flash Ecard from $FromName";
$Message = "$ToName,\nYou have recieved a Flash card from $FromName. \nClick the following link to view your card:\n\n is the message that was sent:\n$ToName,\n$Greeting\n$IntroMessage\n\n-$FromName\n\n\n-----------------------------------\nThis card was sent from Flash-dB Team.";
## This line actually sends the email - you should not have to change this.
mail($ToName." <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $Message, "From: ".$FromName." <".$FromEmail.">");
## This next line returns a success message to the movie.
print "_root.Status=Success your Card Has Been Sent!";
#### End #########
## By: Jeffrey F. Hill
A file does get put into the dBText folder, but all it says is
ToName=&ToEmail=&FromName=&FromEmail=&Greeting=&IntroMessage=&Created=Ecard Created on Thursday 06th 2011f October 2011 ( 11:10:42 AM ).
I think it's supposed to display the info for ToName and so on?
And after hitting send, the flash file does display Success your Card Has Been Sent! which is sent back by the PHP script. So it is recognizing it and kind of working?
The script is as follows
$CreateEcard = date(U);
$filename = $CreateEcard.".txt";
$ToName = stripslashes($ToName);
$FromName = stripslashes($FromName);
$Greeting = stripslashes($Greeting);
$IntroMessage = stripslashes($IntroMessage);
$EndMessage = stripslashes($EndMessage);
$Today = (date ("l dS of F Y ( h:i:s A )",time()));
$Created="Ecard Created on $Today";
$EcardNum = $EcardSelect;
$EcardText = "ToName=$ToName&ToEmail=$ToEmail&FromName=$FromName&FromEmail=$FromEmail&Greeting=$Greeting&IntroMessage=$IntroMessage&Created=$Created";
$fp = fopen( "./dBText/$filename","w");
fwrite($fp, $EcardText, 10000);
fclose( $fp );
######Email Card########
## You can change the subject and the message part around.
## Make sure to change the Link as stated in the Tutorial.
## (Change from 'someSite' to your actual site - leave the rest the same
$ToSubject = "You have recieved a Flash Ecard from $FromName";
$Message = "$ToName,\nYou have recieved a Flash card from $FromName. \nClick the following link to view your card:\n\n is the message that was sent:\n$ToName,\n$Greeting\n$IntroMessage\n\n-$FromName\n\n\n-----------------------------------\nThis card was sent from Flash-dB Team.";
## This line actually sends the email - you should not have to change this.
mail($ToName." <".$ToEmail.">",$ToSubject, $Message, "From: ".$FromName." <".$FromEmail.">");
## This next line returns a success message to the movie.
print "_root.Status=Success your Card Has Been Sent!";
#### End #########
## By: Jeffrey F. Hill