Hi, I use following command (under ux10.20):
rcp -r /SourceDir root@DestServer:/DestDir
My question is following: What do I need to add to this cmd-line to get a file created with all 'transfered' file/dir-names? (like a log file) - It's not of any importance where this file would be located, it's just important to be created at the time of the copy...
Thnx in advance,
rcp -r /SourceDir root@DestServer:/DestDir
My question is following: What do I need to add to this cmd-line to get a file created with all 'transfered' file/dir-names? (like a log file) - It's not of any importance where this file would be located, it's just important to be created at the time of the copy...
Thnx in advance,