I getting an error when I run a backup with ARCServe 7 for Netware. Every morning when I get in the ASDB Status Screen is still up and hung. It stays until I unload ARCServe and reload it, however if I don't unload it the backup the next night will still run. I don't see any adverse affects, but I would like to get rid of the problem. I went to the CA support page and it told me it may be a low memory problem, (but I have a gigabyte of RAM), or the "Wrong version of NWSNUT.NLM." But I don't know how to get a new version without installing a new service pack on the Netware Server. I am running Netware 5.1 with Service Pack 4. But, I am not allowed to update the service pack at this time. Any other ideas? HAs anyone run into this problem?