This error has been occurring for a few months now. It happens about once a week. Never the same day or same time. I get the error the exact same time the scheduled job starts. It then hangs the job. The only way to stop it is to stop the JOB service. This system is running NT 4.0 SVR, SAP R/3, Oracle, and now don't laugh it is ARCserve 6.5 Build 622 w/ the DB agent for SAP and Oracle. I am going to upgrade the whole system, but we are hosting it here for a client that can't afford the downtime right now. So in the meantime I need to get this fixed. Here is the full error.
20020509 050103 E4009 Wait on object error. (MODULE=ASDBNT.DLL, OBJECT=JobIDMutex, EC=NO ERROR)
Has anyone ever seen this before. Thanks for trying to help.
20020509 050103 E4009 Wait on object error. (MODULE=ASDBNT.DLL, OBJECT=JobIDMutex, EC=NO ERROR)
Has anyone ever seen this before. Thanks for trying to help.