I have Brightstore Arcserve 11.5 on a Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2.
I try to restore a big sql database (17 Go) on different tapes. The tapes are OK, i can restore sql small databases of the same directory. I don't use a SQL agent. Microsoft SQL make a save of each base each evening.
I found on the CA website that the problem could be solved installing the Arcserve 11.5 SP3. I installed it, i have now Arcserve r11.5 SP3 (Compilation 4402).
But each time i try to restore this sql database i have the same message:
E3453 unable to write data stream file (....ID=1 CE=NO SYSTEM RESOURCES).
I tried to change the destination, same thing.
I already restore this sql database but the size was a little bit smaller (15 or 16 Go maximum).
Is there size limitation for sql database ?
Did i make a mistake somewhere ?
I have Brightstore Arcserve 11.5 on a Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2.
I try to restore a big sql database (17 Go) on different tapes. The tapes are OK, i can restore sql small databases of the same directory. I don't use a SQL agent. Microsoft SQL make a save of each base each evening.
I found on the CA website that the problem could be solved installing the Arcserve 11.5 SP3. I installed it, i have now Arcserve r11.5 SP3 (Compilation 4402).
But each time i try to restore this sql database i have the same message:
E3453 unable to write data stream file (....ID=1 CE=NO SYSTEM RESOURCES).
I tried to change the destination, same thing.
I already restore this sql database but the size was a little bit smaller (15 or 16 Go maximum).
Is there size limitation for sql database ?
Did i make a mistake somewhere ?