Looks to me like you have a VoIP logger and the SPAN port has not been configured correctly. Put a network sniffer such as Ethereal across the port to ensure you are receiving the audio packets.
we put the span on the port where the traffic is passing for sure (router port)... there is no other path possible to go trough.. regardnig the SPAN port is there any specific configuration regarding this one ?
I take it you are using an 8.9 system? Have you installed SP6? With the later service packs of 8.9 you have to define which network card on the logger you are using for your spanning, if you have not done this then it wont work.
Additionally you need to configure the switch to correctly span/mirror the data to the required network card. There is a whole chapter in the 8.9 VoIP logger installation manual dedicated on how to configure span ports correctly for several cisco and avaya switches.
Although an installation engineer I've never actually performed the switch configuration myself, I just tell the switch engineers what they need to do and on most occasions they do it correctly, every now and then they have issues and these seem to be due to the way the vlan is configured or something like that. Sorry I can't be of much more assistance.
regarding the service pack i just know that the person who was on site installed sp3 on the CLS and nothing more regarding the logger. I have receive the doc from Nice about the spanning port and looks like ok... the only issue i have is that for a strange reason without any explication the calls is not recorded then the next is recorded really strange... i have enough resources but looks like sometimes 1 calls is not recorded...
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