- Jan 10, 2002
- 21
Could anyone help me with following problem, I downloaded a message board script from
I have got the scrip working and can post mesages, what I cannot get it to do is mail a new user back with his activation code. I have no knowledge whatsoever of pearl, but from what I read on the support forum there, the script is setup for a NT server and needs changing if run on a Unix server (as mine is) it would appear that many of the users had the same problem. One user posted a solution -
it says to copy this text into the body of the cgi script, this I did and carried out a few test mails, at first I was getting mails returned with following error
johnsmith\ it should not have had the \ in the address, it was returning the mail to my webmaster address, after a bit "messing about" changing bits in the script I finally got it where the mail address was OK but still got the mail returned with the following error -
A message that you sent contained one or more recipient addresses that were
incorrectly constructed
The mail address in the returned mail looks OK, its even highlighted blue as a mail link, there does not appear to be any problem with it, can anyone help me?
Many thanks
I have got the scrip working and can post mesages, what I cannot get it to do is mail a new user back with his activation code. I have no knowledge whatsoever of pearl, but from what I read on the support forum there, the script is setup for a NT server and needs changing if run on a Unix server (as mine is) it would appear that many of the users had the same problem. One user posted a solution -
it says to copy this text into the body of the cgi script, this I did and carried out a few test mails, at first I was getting mails returned with following error
johnsmith\ it should not have had the \ in the address, it was returning the mail to my webmaster address, after a bit "messing about" changing bits in the script I finally got it where the mail address was OK but still got the mail returned with the following error -
A message that you sent contained one or more recipient addresses that were
incorrectly constructed
The mail address in the returned mail looks OK, its even highlighted blue as a mail link, there does not appear to be any problem with it, can anyone help me?
Many thanks