For a harbour I created a application in Access with the table on a sharepoint.
Until now the 150 invoices for the members are sent twice a year by tradional paper post.
Now we want to auomate the process bij placing de invoices on the shatepont.
I'm looking to a rather simple way to distribute them bij email or (preferrable) show the invoice on the sharepoint. In that case the user should only see its onw invoice. Can you give me some hints how this can be solved?
One one hand storing the reports directly from access and making them available only for the user for which the invoice is ment.
Until now the 150 invoices for the members are sent twice a year by tradional paper post.
Now we want to auomate the process bij placing de invoices on the shatepont.
I'm looking to a rather simple way to distribute them bij email or (preferrable) show the invoice on the sharepoint. In that case the user should only see its onw invoice. Can you give me some hints how this can be solved?
One one hand storing the reports directly from access and making them available only for the user for which the invoice is ment.