Hi All,
I have an issue with a customer that has recently had their SX2K upgraded to an MXe but keeping the cabs etc.
The system uses back to back E&M trunks to send retrieve voicemail messages to a 3rd party voicemail/call logger server.
I have followed the same programming example that has been used in one of their other sites & the PDF guideline that shows all programming seems to be correct.
To access voicemail you dial 81
81 is an ARS route across the E&M trunks.
In the digit mode form there is programming that shows what call tone plan to use & also what digits to be inserted.
here I have programmed <T01><E>#
T01 is the tone plan to use (wait for tone is set to 2 seconds & out pulse is set to DTMF)
E is the symbol for the callers extn number to be sent
# is code for ending call/nothing to follow.
I have tested this on the 1st port of the 3rd parties server & I do not get an DTMF signal from the 3300/SX2K
All related programming has been checked & double checked but there is something somewhere that is stopping DTMF from being sent.
An ideas guys
I have an issue with a customer that has recently had their SX2K upgraded to an MXe but keeping the cabs etc.
The system uses back to back E&M trunks to send retrieve voicemail messages to a 3rd party voicemail/call logger server.
I have followed the same programming example that has been used in one of their other sites & the PDF guideline that shows all programming seems to be correct.
To access voicemail you dial 81
81 is an ARS route across the E&M trunks.
In the digit mode form there is programming that shows what call tone plan to use & also what digits to be inserted.
here I have programmed <T01><E>#
T01 is the tone plan to use (wait for tone is set to 2 seconds & out pulse is set to DTMF)
E is the symbol for the callers extn number to be sent
# is code for ending call/nothing to follow.
I have tested this on the 1st port of the 3rd parties server & I do not get an DTMF signal from the 3300/SX2K
All related programming has been checked & double checked but there is something somewhere that is stopping DTMF from being sent.
An ideas guys