Ok, I have put this into simplier terms in order to facilitate an answer, but in short I am trying to complete the sliding window scenario on using multiple filegroups (Kimberly Tripp conviently uses the hardcoded same filegroup in her examples).
I have a proc which will create a specified table on a specified filegroup.
It works ok for the specified table (if used on its own with a hardcoded filegroup), but not if a dynamic filegroup is used. How do i solve this problem -
I have a proc which will create a specified table on a specified filegroup.
It works ok for the specified table (if used on its own with a hardcoded filegroup), but not if a dynamic filegroup is used. How do i solve this problem -
CREATE proc usp_test (@tablename varchar(50), @tablegroup varchar(100))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[@tablename] (
[OID] [ObjectID] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[CreatedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[Version] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[AccountOID] [ObjectID] NOT NULL ,
[TransactionDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[SequenceNumber] [int] NOT NULL ,
[TransactionType] [MnemonicString] NOT NULL ,
[Description] [varchar] (80) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
[ValueDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[Amount] [FinancialAmount] NULL
-- Not working OLLY
) ON [@tablegroup]
--exec usp_test 'AccountTransactionStagingTable', 'FG_1'
Any help much appreciated,
I am probably missing something very straight forward, but my head hurts (a[URL unfurl="true"]www!)[/URL] and cant find reference in help anywhere - I have used sp_executesql etc, but to no avail.
"I'm living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart