I need to create a rpt based on a cross-tab query. Since I have criteria on the field used for the column headings, I can't know or fix the column headings in the query design. (There are way too many possibilities to just list them all.) So, I can't know the rpt's field list in advance. Is there any way in a rpt's OnOpen (or any other event) to dynamically get the resulting column headings into the report design as bound controls? Any other ideas for handling this situaltion?
Simply printing the query as a datasheet almost works, but I don't have enough control over the header and footer.
BTW, this is not a sub-form design question. The XTab is not being used to show detail.
Simply printing the query as a datasheet almost works, but I don't have enough control over the header and footer.
BTW, this is not a sub-form design question. The XTab is not being used to show detail.