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Dynamically changing text colours in a form... 1

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Feb 26, 2001
I am having a problem. I have a page - simplified source code below. What I am after is for users to click either of two tickboxes - this will highlight one set of input fields and disable the other and vice versa. This works fine. However, I would like to change the colour of the text for the disabled inputs to grey (i.e 'Exchange Trans ID') but try as I might I cannot do it - (I presume it is something like setting the document.field.style.color="grey" within the function and defining the style in the field itself.) I generally get undefined variable error messages or variable 'document.field.style is null or not an object' error messages.
I've tried breaking down the page into a number of forms, adding / removing internal and external stylesheets but to not avail. Is this sort of dynamic color change possible at all from a script such as mine ? oh yes - it only has to work for IE4/5/5.5 at the moment and the references to the external stylesheets (class="pageheader" etc) aren't necessary if I need to remove them.

Any help or general pointers would be very gratefully received.

Many thanks,


<SCRIPT languae=&quot;Javascript&quot;>
function disableChoices(dWhat) {
if (dWhat == &quot;Criteria&quot;) {
if (document.select_audit_trail.OrderID.checked == true) {
document.select_audit_trail.Criteria.checked = false;
else {document.select_audit_trail.Criteria.checked = true;
if (dWhat == &quot;OrderID&quot;) {
if (document.select_audit_trail.Criteria.checked) {
document.select_audit_trail.OrderID.checked = false;
else {document.select_audit_trail.OrderID.checked = true;

if (document.select_audit_trail.Criteria.checked) {
// the exch and our elements
document.select_audit_trail.Exch_TransID.disabled = true;
document.select_audit_trail.Exch_OrderID.disabled = true;
document.select_audit_trail.Us_TransID.disabled = true;
document.select_audit_trail.Us_TransID.disabled = true;
// document.OrderID_Table.style=&quot;color:red&quot;;
// the Criteria elements
document.select_audit_trail.Portfolio.disabled = false;
document.select_audit_trail.Account.disabled = false;
document.select_audit_trail.Trade_Date.disabled = false;
document.select_audit_trail.Revision_Date.disabled = false;
else {
// the exch and our elements
document.select_audit_trail.Exch_TransID.disabled = false;
document.select_audit_trail.Exch_OrderID.disabled = false;
document.select_audit_trail.Us_TransID.disabled = false;
document.select_audit_trail.Us_TransID.disabled = false;
// the Criteria elements
document.select_audit_trail.Portfolio.disabled = true;
document.select_audit_trail.Account.disabled = true;
document.select_audit_trail.Trade_Date.disabled = true;
document.select_audit_trail.Revision_Date.disabled = true;

<FORM NAME=&quot;select_audit_trail&quot;>
<TABLE class=&quot;pageheader&quot; CELLSPACING=&quot;0&quot;>
<TR><TD ID=&quot;PHhead&quot; class=&quot;PHh&quot; colspan=&quot;2&quot;>Selection Criteria</TD><TR>


<TABLE class=&quot;pageheader&quot;>
<TR><TD ID=&quot;Btitle&quot; class=&quot;Bti&quot;>Select by Order ID</TD>
<TD><INPUT type=&quot;Checkbox&quot; name=&quot;OrderID&quot; onclick=&quot;disableChoices('Criteria')&quot; unchecked></INPUT></TR>

<TABLE name=&quot;OrderIDTable&quot;>
<TR><TD>Exchange Trans ID</TD><TD><INPUT name=&quot;Exch_TransID&quot;></INPUT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Exchange Order ID</TD><TD><INPUT name=&quot;Exch_OrderID&quot;></INPUT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>MAKO Trans ID</TD><TD><INPUT name=&quot;MAKO_TransID&quot;></INPUT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>MAKO Order ID</TD><TD><INPUT name=&quot;MAKO_OrderID&quot;></INPUT></TD></TR>

<TABLE class=&quot;pageheader&quot;>
<TR><TD ID=&quot;Btitle&quot; class=&quot;Bti&quot;>Select by User Criteria</TD>
<TD><INPUT type=&quot;Checkbox&quot; name=&quot;Criteria&quot; onclick=&quot;disableChoices('OrderID')&quot; checked></INPUT>

<TABLE name=&quot;Criteria_Table&quot;>
<TR><TD>Inventory</TD><TD><SELECT name=&quot;Portfolio&quot;><OPTION value=''>-- select --</OPTION>#database generated options</SELECT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Label</td><TD><SELECT name=&quot;Account&quot;><OPTION value=''>-- select --</OPTION>#database generated</SELECT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Trade Date</TD><TD><INPUT name=&quot;Trade_Date&quot;></INPUT></TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Revision Date</TD><TD><INPUT name=&quot;Revision_Date&quot;></INPUT></TD></TR>

If you have a different style class attached to each of the sets of fields you want changed you could try modifying the style itself like this:
function Disable1() {
   var coll = document.all.tags(&quot;input&quot;);
   if ( coll != null ) {
      for (i=0; i<coll.length ; i++) {
         if ( coll[i].className = &quot;set1&quot; ) {
            coll[i].style.color = &quot;#aaaaaa&quot;;
This will change the color to #aaaaaa for all input tags that have the style class &quot;set1&quot;.
I don't know which versions of IE this works in though.
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard.
Thanks, that's v.useful. I've got it to toggle between two check boxes on different forms using a bastardisation that (if anyone's interested) looks something like;

function Disable(where) {
if (where == &quot;orderid&quot;) {
var form1 = document.select_criteria.all.tags(&quot;TABLE&quot;);
var form2 = document.select_orderID.all.tags(&quot;TABLE&quot;);
} else {
var form2 = document.select_criteria.all.tags(&quot;TABLE&quot;);
var form1 = document.select_orderID.all.tags(&quot;TABLE&quot;);

if ( form1 != null ) {
for (i=0; i<form1.length ; i++) {
if (form1.className != &quot;&quot;) {
form1.style.color = &quot;#cccccc&quot;;
if ( form2 != null ) {
for (i=0; i<form1.length ; i++) {
if (form2.className != &quot;&quot;) {
form2.style.color = &quot;black&quot;;


Joe. :)
Glad I could get you pointed in the right direction. That's what we're here for.
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons,
For you are crunchy, and good with mustard.
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