can you generate a dynamic xsl using database?
I havde generated a report which is a dynamic xml populated from the database.IS it possible to link the xml element name with a database table and produce the dynamic xsl using database connection.
eg of xml.
I would like the xsl to pick the text from the database for the elemeent name i.e. <q_1_a>
Is it possible to generate a dynamic xsl than changing my xml which will make it lengthier.
can you generate a dynamic xsl using database?
I havde generated a report which is a dynamic xml populated from the database.IS it possible to link the xml element name with a database table and produce the dynamic xsl using database connection.
eg of xml.
I would like the xsl to pick the text from the database for the elemeent name i.e. <q_1_a>
Is it possible to generate a dynamic xsl than changing my xml which will make it lengthier.