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Dynamic URLs with Java Beans

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Nov 13, 2001
Hi all -
I'm really pulling my hair out on this one and am facing a pretty harsh deadline.

I am writing a pretty basic contact management web app. In one page "employeeExpansion.jsp", I am pulling all of the employees in the database down using a Jakarta's DBTags tag library. This returns a list of employee contact IDs, and I am then setting the contact ID to my employeeInfo bean:

<jsp:useBean id=&quot;employeeInfo&quot; class=&quot;com.jta.htdata.db.beans.EmployeeInfoBean&quot; scope=&quot;application&quot;>

<sql:resultSet id=&quot;empRset&quot;>

<sql:getColumn position=&quot;1&quot; to=&quot;contactId&quot; scope=&quot;request&quot;/>
<jsp:setProperty name=&quot;employeeInfo&quot; property=&quot;contactId&quot; value = '<%= request.getAttribute(&quot;contactId&quot;) %>' />
Bean's ContactId = <jsp:getProperty name=&quot;employeeInfo&quot; property=&quot;contactId&quot; />

This all appears to work correctly. When I click on the resulting URL, I want to display a page with all of the Employee's pertinent information (title, address, etc.) This is all handled through the bean. The resulting page (employeeInfo.jsp) begins with the following jsp:usebean tag:

<jsp:useBean id=&quot;employeeInfo&quot; class=&quot;com.jta.htdata.db.beans.EmployeeInfoBean&quot; scope=&quot;application&quot;>
<jsp:setProperty name=&quot;employeeInfo&quot; property=&quot;*&quot;/>

But it isn't allowing me to get to the selected Employee's information.

I assume that this is a scoping issue, but I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Could someone please point me in the right direction or give me an idea of how to handle these dynamically generated URLs better?


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