Hi Guys
Is it possible to have the values of a matrix row change based on parameter values? Where your default value would be all regions but when a user select a particular region you display all areas under that region.
I wrote something like this on the expression area of the matrix row but it's not working:
=iif(Parameters!Region.Value = "ALL Regions", Fields!Region.Value, Fields!Area.Value)
"ALL regions" is catered for in the query.
Please help
Is it possible to have the values of a matrix row change based on parameter values? Where your default value would be all regions but when a user select a particular region you display all areas under that region.
I wrote something like this on the expression area of the matrix row but it's not working:
=iif(Parameters!Region.Value = "ALL Regions", Fields!Region.Value, Fields!Area.Value)
"ALL regions" is catered for in the query.
Please help