I’ve got a report with a single instance in the Crystal Management Console. The structure is very basic right now. It looks like this:
Folder --> Folders
Subfolder --> GSS
Report --> gssRegsInstCurrMo.rpt
(1 instance)
I was told once that I don’t want to hard code the report ID to retrieve the last instance of that report. I currently am using the following code (hard coded report ID ‘2119’):
strQuery = “select SI_LAST_SUCCESSFUL_INSTANCE_ID from CI_INFOOBJECTS where SI_ID= 2119”
I want to accomplish the same thing, but without hard coding in the report ID.
How do I make this code dynamically retrieve the latest instance of the report by using the report name (report name is static)?
Folder --> Folders
Subfolder --> GSS
Report --> gssRegsInstCurrMo.rpt
(1 instance)
I was told once that I don’t want to hard code the report ID to retrieve the last instance of that report. I currently am using the following code (hard coded report ID ‘2119’):
strQuery = “select SI_LAST_SUCCESSFUL_INSTANCE_ID from CI_INFOOBJECTS where SI_ID= 2119”
I want to accomplish the same thing, but without hard coding in the report ID.
How do I make this code dynamically retrieve the latest instance of the report by using the report name (report name is static)?