I made a report using SQL data and posted it to our web. But as the data in the database changes the report does not automatically update. Any ideas on making the crystal report dynamically change?
I believe you saved your data with your report when you saved it prior to putting it on the web.
Go back the report deigner and click on the File menu and remove the check from "save data with report".
Also click on File | Report options and remove the check from 'save data with report' (if it is still there)
Also click on File | Options | Reporting tab and remove the check from 'save data with report' and place a check in
'discard saved data when loading reports'.
Now, save your report and then use your standard method to move it to the web.
It should work. Howard Hammerman,
Crystal Reports training, consulting, books, training material,support. HammerLauch program runs reports without Crystal
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