I'm using vs.net 2003 and C#. I would like to create a report and than programmicaly change the criteria of the sql statement in runtime. How could I do it?
I know that this is quite straightforward but I only came accross some articles and tutorials that advise to do sth. like this:
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Empty_cr report = new Empty_cr();
report.SetDataSource( ds);
crDataViewer.ReportSource = report;
It does not work!!!
Mayby someone has an idea and will be willing to help me.
Help!!! Please!!! It can realy simplify my life.
I'm using vs.net 2003 and C#. I would like to create a report and than programmicaly change the criteria of the sql statement in runtime. How could I do it?
I know that this is quite straightforward but I only came accross some articles and tutorials that advise to do sth. like this:
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Empty_cr report = new Empty_cr();
report.SetDataSource( ds);
crDataViewer.ReportSource = report;
It does not work!!!
Mayby someone has an idea and will be willing to help me.
Help!!! Please!!! It can realy simplify my life.