Hi a couple of months back someone posted a menu that pulled its information from a database and displayed the parent and child values but could only drill down to one child
The code is below can anyone see how to make this go down more than one level.
The code is below can anyone see how to make this go down more than one level.
<link REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="styles/css.css" TYPE="text/css">
$host = "localhost";
$dbuser = "un";
$dbpassword = "pass";
$database = "db";
$link = mysql_connect($host,$dbuser,$dbpassword);
$db_selected = mysql_select_db($database);
if (!$db_selected) {
die ('Can\'t select database : ' . mysql_error());
$getitemid = explode("Itemid=",$url);
$getparent = explode("parent=",$url);
$gettoplevel = explode("toplevel=",$url);
$getpagename = explode("other_pages/",$url);
$Itemid = $getitemid[1];
$newparent = $getparent[1];
$newtoplevel = $gettoplevel[1];
$pagename = $getpagename[1];
#echo $url;
echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="moduletabletestmenu"><tr><td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
$mainmenu = mysql_query("select * from mos_menu where menutype = 'mainmenu' and published = '1' and parent = '0' order by ordering asc");
while($gotmainmenu = mysql_fetch_array($mainmenu))
$domain = strstr($gotmainmenu[3], 'index.php');
echo "<tr align='left'><td><a href='[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.url.net/$gotmainmenu[/URL][3]"; if ($domain != ""){echo"&Itemid=$gotmainmenu[0]";} else {echo"?Itemid=$gotmainmenu[0]";} echo "' class='mainlevelmark' "; if ($Itemid == $gotmainmenu[0]){echo "id='active_menumark'";} echo ">$gotmainmenu[2]</a>";
$submenu = mysql_query("select * from mos_menu where menutype = 'mainmenu' and published = '1' and parent = '$gotmainmenu[0]' order by ordering asc");
while($gotsubmenu = mysql_fetch_array($submenu))
if (($Itemid == $gotsubmenu[6]) || ($newparent == $gotsubmenu[6]))
$getnewitemid = explode("&parent=",$Itemid);
echo "<div style='padding-left: 4px'><a href='[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.url.net/$gotsubmenu[/URL][3]&Itemid=$gotsubmenu[0]&parent=$gotsubmenu[6]' class='sublevelmark' "; if ($getnewitemid[0] == $gotsubmenu[0]){echo "id='active_menumark'";} echo ">$gotsubmenu[2]</a></div>";
/*$subsubmenu = mysql_query("select * from mos_menu where menutype = 'mainmenu' and published = '1' and parent = '$gotsubmenu[0]' order by ordering asc");
while($gotsubsubmenu = mysql_fetch_array($subsubmenu))
$getnewitemid1 = explode("&parent=",$Itemid);
$getnewparent = explode("&toplevel=",$newparent);
if (($getnewitemid1[0] == $gotsubsubmenu[6]) || ($getnewparent[0] == $gotsubsubmenu[6]))
echo "<div style='padding-left: 12px'><a href='[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.url.net/$gotsubsubmenu[/URL][3]&Itemid=$gotsubsubmenu[0]&parent=$gotsubsubmenu[6]&toplevel=$gotsubmenu[6]' class='sublevelmark' "; if ($getnewitemid1[0] == $gotsubsubmenu[0]){echo "id='active_menumark'";} echo ">$gotsubsubmenu[2]</a></div>";
echo '</table></td></tr></table>';