I'm not sure if I described my subject correctly but here is what I'm trying to do. I am using Crystal Reports 2011 and I want to create a dynamic report where the user is prompted to enter a parameter that will be used for record selection. I would like to give options for the parameter to select either monthtodate, lastfullmonth, or a date range in a drop down list. If date range is selected the user is prompted to enter a starting and ending date. If the user selects monthtodate or lastfullmonth they aren't prompted for a starting and ending date.
Nothing I've tried so far works completely. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Ultimately I'll be saving the report and viewing it in Crystal Corral which supports parameters.
Thanks in advance,
Nothing I've tried so far works completely. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Ultimately I'll be saving the report and viewing it in Crystal Corral which supports parameters.
Thanks in advance,