I'm doing this site entirely in flash. The way I have it set up, the navigation is up top (horizontally) and the current page is listed underneath the title. When the user clicks on a navigation link, it will bring them to a new scene, as everything is in flash. When they click to this new scene, the old current page name graphic will float up to the navigation part, and the graphic the user just clicked on will float to underneath the title (because it'll be the new current page). For example, when the page loads, the word "home" is shown, because the visitor is currently in the "home" section. I have a link called "audio". When the visitor clicks on "audio", the "audio" graphic will float down and replace "home", while "home" will float up and replace "audio". (Does that make sense? I'm never sure if my explanation is right on message boards..) The problem with this is, given what I know about Flash at the moment, I need to make multiple different scenes to handle all the different possibilities. For example, if the person clicks on "audio", I'd need whatever word was the current page to float up, whether that was "home" or some other word. If I was writing this in some object-oriented language, it'd be like this:<br><br>void switch (MyButton currentTitle, MyButton newTitle) {<br> newTitle.floatToTitle();<br> currentTitle.floatToTop();<br>}<br><br>(only I'd do it with threads so it happened at the same time, at least in Java.)<br><br>That's a bit of a lengthy explanation, but does anybody think they could help? I'm thinking it could be done with Flash/JavaScript, but I haven't found an intro tutorial yet, so I'm not even sure.. Thanks to anyone who can help. <p>Liam Morley<br><a href=mailto:lmorley@wpi.edu>lmorley@wpi.edu</a><br><a href=] :: imotic :: website :: [</a><br>"light the deep, and bring silence to the world.<br>
light the world, and bring depth to the silence."
light the world, and bring depth to the silence."