I've tried several ways to make this work but no luck so far. Recordset2 has currently 3 names in it. Recordset1 is the resolved_by field populated by the menu.
Here is the code
<td width="133" valign="top" class="adstat2"><select name="Resolved_by" size="4" multiple="multiple" id="Resolved_by">
Dim MYArray1
Dim MYArrayLength1, i1
Dim MYArray2
Dim MYArrayLength2, i2
Dim highlight
MyArray2 = Split(Recordset2("Username"), ",")
MYArrayLength2 = UBound(MYArray2)
MyArray1 = Split(Recordset1("Resolved_by"), ",")
MYArrayLength1 = UBound(MYArray1)
For i2 = 0 to MYArrayLength2
MyString2 = MyArray2(i2)
For i1 = 0 to MYArrayLength1
MyString1 = MyArray1(i1)
If (Not isNull(MyString1)) Then If (MyString2 = MyString1) Then highlight="SELECTED" else highlight=""
Response.Write("<option value=" & "'" & MyString2 & "'" & highlight & ">" & MyString2 & "</option>" & vbCr)
Problem is I get only the first name (it is highlighted however). I think it's cause of not having a while wend code. Ive tried other scripts that had the while wend incorporated and I could only get the first name highlighted but the menu was populating all the names.
I'm trying to get a menu dynamically populated from a recordset and have those values that match the values in the array highlighted.
Here is the code
<td width="133" valign="top" class="adstat2"><select name="Resolved_by" size="4" multiple="multiple" id="Resolved_by">
Dim MYArray1
Dim MYArrayLength1, i1
Dim MYArray2
Dim MYArrayLength2, i2
Dim highlight
MyArray2 = Split(Recordset2("Username"), ",")
MYArrayLength2 = UBound(MYArray2)
MyArray1 = Split(Recordset1("Resolved_by"), ",")
MYArrayLength1 = UBound(MYArray1)
For i2 = 0 to MYArrayLength2
MyString2 = MyArray2(i2)
For i1 = 0 to MYArrayLength1
MyString1 = MyArray1(i1)
If (Not isNull(MyString1)) Then If (MyString2 = MyString1) Then highlight="SELECTED" else highlight=""
Response.Write("<option value=" & "'" & MyString2 & "'" & highlight & ">" & MyString2 & "</option>" & vbCr)
Problem is I get only the first name (it is highlighted however). I think it's cause of not having a while wend code. Ive tried other scripts that had the while wend incorporated and I could only get the first name highlighted but the menu was populating all the names.
I'm trying to get a menu dynamically populated from a recordset and have those values that match the values in the array highlighted.