Ok i have a word report of like 300 pages inside are accounts information each account have a unique Acc. number, this report change each month at least the info does not the account number.
it is possible to make a dynamic index so each time the report change you dont have to index all the account numbers so the index stays the same because the report format never change, only the info in the report for each account does.
so i want the index or TOC to search for Ex. "1234" on the report no matter if the info on the report change .
this is a report example
Store whatever 1
address v fvfrvfvfrvbfrv account# 1234
Store whatever 2
address dlcedvjfevjf account# 4567
ok i receive this file every month the same file the only thing change is the info in where said "sys.........date "
i would like to make an somekind of index or TOC for example
account 1234.....................................Store 1
account 4567.....................................Store 2
so when i click any of those get me there no matter if i change the info. so then i cant mark for index individual acc. #'s because when the info change and i pasted the new one over the index or TOC info will dissapear.
there's a way to do this in VBA
it is possible to make a dynamic index so each time the report change you dont have to index all the account numbers so the index stays the same because the report format never change, only the info in the report for each account does.
so i want the index or TOC to search for Ex. "1234" on the report no matter if the info on the report change .
this is a report example
Store whatever 1
address v fvfrvfvfrvbfrv account# 1234
Store whatever 2
address dlcedvjfevjf account# 4567
ok i receive this file every month the same file the only thing change is the info in where said "sys.........date "
i would like to make an somekind of index or TOC for example
account 1234.....................................Store 1
account 4567.....................................Store 2
so when i click any of those get me there no matter if i change the info. so then i cant mark for index individual acc. #'s because when the info change and i pasted the new one over the index or TOC info will dissapear.
there's a way to do this in VBA