Hi, I have a fixed size scroll pane. I would like to use control the size of the clip within that pane and have the scrollbars adjust accordingly.
Is the a function I need to call to get them to apear - and dynamically resize when necessary?
Foe example. To make it simple - I would like to have a movie clip in a scrol pane that is growing 10 px every second for ten secoonds. - I would like thescroll bars to extend slowly, so that when the 10 secs are up, you can scroll around to see the whole thing...
Is the a function I need to call to get them to apear - and dynamically resize when necessary?
Foe example. To make it simple - I would like to have a movie clip in a scrol pane that is growing 10 px every second for ten secoonds. - I would like thescroll bars to extend slowly, so that when the 10 secs are up, you can scroll around to see the whole thing...