I only started with flash. I got a small script to do search.
The flash sends data to a php script , then php send back data. One of this data is named "&user_name=".
I have a button on the search screen. It point to the following link : "playerinfo.php?playername="
Now , I want that when someone click the button , it get redirected to the link by adding the "&user_name=" result at the end of the link after "?playername="
I use getURL("playerinfo.php?playername="):
Example : php says: "&user_name=neomaster"
The button now should change to point to
The flash sends data to a php script , then php send back data. One of this data is named "&user_name=".
I have a button on the search screen. It point to the following link : "playerinfo.php?playername="
Now , I want that when someone click the button , it get redirected to the link by adding the "&user_name=" result at the end of the link after "?playername="
I use getURL("playerinfo.php?playername="):
Example : php says: "&user_name=neomaster"
The button now should change to point to