$_year = "2005";
$_month = "02";
$_day = "25";
$begin[0] = "'year' =>" . $_year";
$begin[1] = "'month' =>" . $_month ;
$begin[2] = "'day' =>" . $_day;
Please tell me that, the above code is correct or not..if not how can i make it corrent..as i want to make it in the same way..(try to assign dynamic values to an array along with their refferences.
$_year = "2005";
$_month = "02";
$_day = "25";
$begin[0] = "'year' =>" . $_year";
$begin[1] = "'month' =>" . $_month ;
$begin[2] = "'day' =>" . $_day;
Please tell me that, the above code is correct or not..if not how can i make it corrent..as i want to make it in the same way..(try to assign dynamic values to an array along with their refferences.