I have to DWORDs from a digital board, both 8bit. One is the 'Lo' part, the other is the 'Hi' part. How do i merge them into a single DWORD of 16bit length? VB or C++ would be grand.
Er, by definition a DWORD on a 32bit processor is 32 bits. I'll assume that you mean you have to BYTEs that you want to combine into a WORD. That's pretty easy.
In C++:
unsigned char Hi;
unsigned char Low;
unsigned short Combined;
Combined = (Hi << 8) | Low;
<< is the shift up operator. It will shift a number up by the number of bits you specify (in this case, 8). This is like multiplying Hi by 2 to the 8th power.
| is the bitwise OR operator. It will allow you to combine numbers bitwise, and it is slightly faster than +. But you only want to use it when numbers do not overlap. For example, you wouldn't want to use Hi | Low in place of Hi + Low, because they wouldn't give you the same results.
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