I create a 3 gigabyte home video dvd. I want relative's overseas to see it. What's the fastest way I can transfer the dvd over, not including snail mail? Is there a ultrafast ftp storage solutions, email solutions, or other.
You can setup your PC as a FTP server for them to connect to and down load your file (zipped) then they will have to burn it to a DVD for viewing or just view it on their PC. At 3GB they should have a high speed connection as so should you.
Golden FTP server and Quick 'n Easy FTP Server are two that are simple to setup and free.
In time, there will be. Remember, 3GB is still considered huge in the network world and can even take a long time to transfer over a localized network, let alone copying from one drive to another. Moving that data overseas only adds more drama...
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein
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