I have installed 3 different DVD+RW drives now and also 4 or 5 different burning softwares and I can not get my pc to burn dvd's. I can burn cd's fine, but everytime I try to burn a DVD it says error reading drive. Plus sometimes when I go into My Computer, the drive isnt even showing. I have tried switching the order of the cd-drive and DVD+RW drive as slave/master nad vice versa, no matter what tho, I can not get it to burn dvd's. In Device Manager the drive shows up fine and that its working properly. Also, I can watch a dvd from that drive, just not burn it. And I have dvdx xopy, also Roxio, Nero, and also decrypting programs. I have tried variety's of everything. Please someone help me. I would be ever so grateful. TYSM in advance.