This is really a frustrating issue with this program. Who really wants to see decimals calculated from start to finish date? Is there a way to take these out? I'd rather it say 3 days NOT 2.68 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
You're seeing decimals because there ARE decimals.
Suppose you have a task that takes 10 hours of work and you assign a resource 100%.
It's going to take 1.25 days duration.
Tools | Options | Schedule and you can set the duration to hours. But ... what happens if the work takes 10.5 hours? You're back to decimals and because you are uptight about decimals that won't work.
Or you could hide Duration and display one of the Number columns renamed to Duration and having the formula Int(([Duration]/480)+0.5).
Of course, then you won't see the "d" or "days" indicator. For that you'll need a text column with the same formula concatenated to "d" or "day" or "days" depending on ...
Or you could learn to appreciate the inherent goodness of the decimal system.
I don't worry about hours - All I worry about is how many days it will take someone to finish a task. If a day is "standard" - or 8 hours, and I have 4 days scheduled for the first task and 4 additional days for the second task, why is it calculating 8.28 days overall?
I didn't say you were worried about hours; I said "you're uptight about decimals".
Tools | Options | View-tab and change the date format to one that shows hours. Now, go to the Gantt view and make certain the start, finish, duration and work columns are wide enough to display the full contents.
You're seeing decimals because the start/finish dates are not at the beginning/end of the day. You will need to look at tasks that don't start at 8:00am or finish at 5:00pm or take up a full day (or multiple thereof) in the schedule.
You'll also want to look at occasions where you've assigned a resource at anything other than 100%. This will, in a variety of cases, cause decimals to appear.
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